Ida-Viru kinnisvarakonverentsi galerii

Narva-Jõesuus leidis aset Ida-Virumaa kinnisvarakonverents 2024, kust lisaks kinnisvaraanalüütikutele ja -praktikutele astus üles ka Liina Pulges.
Konverentsil avati Ida-Virumaa kinnisvaraturu köögipool, analüüsiti sealset kinnisvaraturgu ja majanduses toimuvat ning räägiti kinnisvaraalatest investeerimisvõimalustest Ida-Virumaale.

Oli suur au üles astuda konverentsi õhtuses osas oma lõbusa ettekandega: Liina Pulges "Kõik ämbrid tuleb ikka ise läbi kolistada", mis rääkis sellest, kuidas sai alguse minu teekond kinnisvaras.

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I just wanted to take a moment to share my incredible story of recovery and gratitude. As a woman who recently underwent surgery on my kidney, I was already dealing with a lot of stress and uncertainty. But what made it even worse was when I was scammed out of $44,000 in a cryptocurrency investment that promised me a return of $84,000. It was devastating to think that I'd lost all that money and would have to go into debt to cover my surgery expenses. But then I found Jetwebhackers, and they changed everything. They worked tirelessly to recover not only my initial investment of $44,000, but also the promised profit. I was blown away by their expertise and dedication to getting me back on my feet. Thanks to Jetwebhackers, I was able to pay for my surgery without going into debt. It's been a huge weight off my shoulders, and I'm so grateful for their help. I know that not everyone has had the same experience as me, but I want to encourage anyone who's been scammed or is struggling to get help from Jetwebhackers. They're truly amazing professionals who care about their clients and will do everything they can to get you back on track. Thank you again, Jetwebhackers - you're the real MVPs!"

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Nov 18, 2024
melissa levy As a newbie to cryptocurrency, I lost a lot of money up to $170,000 I would like to express my gratitude to Expert Bernie Doran for their exceptional assistance in recovering my funds from a forex broker. Their expertise and professionalism in navigating the complex process were truly commendable. Through their guidance and relentless efforts, I was able to successfully retrieve my funds of $170,000, providing me with much-needed relief. I highly recommend him on Gmail - Berniedoransignals@ gmail. com to anyone facing similar challenges, as their dedication and commitment to helping clients are truly impressive. Thank you, Bernie doran, for your invaluable support in resolving this matter. Jan 18, 2025